周五晚活动是为家庭及个人而设, 多样化的小组适合不同的年龄。欢迎从幼稚园生至成人参加。青少年团契、儿童团契、得福小组、幸福小组第一组在教会進行,  信望爱小组在网上(Zoom)聚会, 而真幸福小组在教会会友家中。
Friday night activities are designed for families and individuals, there are diverse groups of different ages. Kindergartners to adults are welcome to participate.


信望爱团契 Faith, Hope, Love, Fellowship

Meets every Friday night online (ZOOM) from 7:45 – 9:45 pm. 每周五晚 7:45 – 9:45 pm 以国语/普通话于网上(ZOOM)聚会



青少年团契 Youth Group Service

Meets every Friday night from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at church 每周五晚 7:00 – 8:30 pm于教会聚会

The meetings are in English. CBCR Youth Group is focused on allowing youth (Middle School to High School) to experience the love of God through the written word, activities, discipleship and their relationships with each other. Activities include Bible Study, Summer Discipleship trip; Recreational nights; Inter-church activities; Spring Retreat, etc.

兒童团契 Kids for Christ

Meets every Friday night from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at church 每周五晚 7:00 – 8:30 pm于教会聚会

All kindergarten to fifth grade students are welcome.  This is a group of students from kindergarten to 5th grade that meet most Friday evenings at 7:00 pm for Bible study, games, and arts and craft. The study is conducted in English and coincides with Chinese Bible study and Youth Group at the same time and location. After fifth grade, the students advance to youth group.

幸福小組第一组 Blessing Small Group (group 1)

Meets every Friday night from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at church 每周五晚 6:30 – 9:00 pm 以国语/普通话于教会聚会

6点半–7点半爱宴聚餐; 7点半到9点福音活动; 对象: 福音朋友和刚刚信主的弟兄姊妹。
福音小组的目的是将福音送到千家万户, 是广邀邻舍来到我们当中, 彼此认识, 建立亲密关系, 带到主耶稣基督里。
福音活动包括破冰游戏, 倾听倾诉彼此人生经历, 做个人得救的见证, 分享神的话语, 诗歌赞美等。

真幸福小组 Real Blessing Small Group

Meets every Friday night from 6:30 – 9:30 pm at church member’s house 每周五晚 6:30~9:30 pm 以国语/普通话于教会会友家中聚会



For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778, or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
若有问题或欲知更多这各小组的详情请联系 、致电教会办公室 804.476.8778 或电邮 chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org