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列治文城浸信會的中國事工可遠朔至百多年前。在1881 有一位出生在廣州的宣教士之子Samuel Clopton 回到列治文,在Clay Street 浸信會開始了華人的事工。

1951 年由列治文浸信會聯會再次在Grove Ave 浸信會開始每月一次的中文崇拜和主日學。我們敬愛的希祝虔老牧師 (Dr. Eugene Hill),則於1956 年開始了他在華人事工中的主日講壇事奉,並牧養此地的華人家庭、商人及餐館直至1977年為止。

1977 年 Grove Ave 浸信會因將會址賣給 Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU),華人事工的同工黎先生又突然去世,希牧師亦於當年赴香港教學。華人福音事工正在青黃不接困難之際,神為我們預備了位於 Grove Ave 的Tabernacle 浸信會,提供了舉行主日崇拜的地方。數位從香港來的留學生亦加入了事奉,於1977 年這個事工就正名為「中國基督徒團 契」,同時開始每週舉行主日崇拜及主日學,使用廣東話及國語同步進行。

1981 年十二月二十日,列治文的中國基督徒團契,成立為列治文華人浸信會。因著浸聯會國內傳道部財務的資助,郭朝順牧師 (Pastor Samuel Kwok) 成為第一任牧師。Tabernacle 浸信會繼續將副堂、廚房、青少年聚會場地供我們使用,支持 華人浸信會的發展。後因郭牧師過世,列治文華人浸信會沒有牧師達三年之久。

1987 年九月孟渝昭牧師全家由台灣來到列治文,接任華人浸信會的牧師。同年因Tabernacle 浸信會改建會堂,感謝神為我們又預備了位於Patterson Ave的Parkview 浸信會,供給我們一個環境優美的副堂聚會。從此我們不必再受限在地下室做崇拜了,會友們都很興奮。在Parkview 浸信會的四年中,聚會的人數由四十多人增加到一百多人。1989 年我們在 Parkway Lane 購買了九畝土地,到1991 年十月完成建堂工程正式遷入現址。每每思及當時弟兄姐妹奉獻的心志,希老牧師為建堂一次次往郡政府奔波的身影,和聯會大方的贈款及貸款,就不能不感謝天上的父。

神教導我們要生養眾多,當第二代的孩子逐漸長成,他們所須要的牧養與第一代的華人不同。因此 在1995年開始了每主日清晨9:30 的英語堂崇拜,第二年(1996 年)我們又聘請了原為本會執事的朱敬華弟兄 (Pastor Daniel Chu),在完成了神學訓練後回到我們教會,成為第一任的英文部牧師,負責英語崇拜及週五青少年團契。

鑑於越來越多的華人同胞遷來列治文並定居於西區,在2000 年我們在西區借 Gayton 浸信會成立了西區華人崇拜事工,每週有主日崇拜及週間聚會。這一個分堂在2004 年正式獨立,成為列治文華恩浸信會。在此期間極須要多一 位牧者來分擔牧會中文部的事工, 故在2002 年聘請了蔡恩程牧師 (Pastor Lazarus Chua) 負責列治文華人浸信會的牧會事工。孟牧師則負責西區的事工後退体。

2004 年朱敬華牧師請辭英語部的牧師,參加浸信會國際宣道部 (International Mission Board),赴匈牙利首都布達佩斯成為海外宣教士。感謝神,在2006 年九月我們請到樊勝利牧師 (Pastor Larry Farnen) 來帶領我們的英語部事工。

2015年5月中蔡恩程牧師請辭返回菲律賓事奉, 教會全体會眾禱告求主差遣新牧人來繼續牧養。 感謝神,在2015年8月我們請到簡翰龍牧師 (Pastor Stephen Chien)來帶領我們的中文部事工。2017年, 楊銓牧师在完成神學院學位後, 義務加入事奉, 成為本教會的牧師, 協助帶領中文堂事工。但由於簡牧師對列治文花粉的敏感、對家庭的牽掛及對傳道的異象等原因, 在2018年3月26日離開我們教會, 轉換了事奉的工塲。因此, 在2020年八月, 霍壯牧師從加拿大多倫多移居到列治文, 成為我們中文部的牧者直至2024年六月离任。



Many Chinese churches in America begin their journey when a small group of Chinese Christian students desire to worship Him in their native language. We are no different.

In 1951, the Richmond Baptist Association began to hold a monthly Chinese language worship service and Sunday school class at the Grove Avenue Baptist Church for a small group of Chinese Christians. The hope was through this ministry, the gospel would reach the growing population of Chinese immigrants in the Greater Richmond, Virginia area.

In 1956, Dr. Eugene Lowell Hill, a retired missionary from the International Mission Board who was fluent in Cantonese, took over the preaching and pastoral ministry of this small group. Dr. Hill patiently and sacrificially nurtured this gospel ministry until 1977 when he returned to Hong Kong for a teaching position.

In 1977, a group of Chinese students in Richmond joined this small group and formally established the Chinese Christian Fellowship. They rented space from Tabernacle Baptist Church and began Sunday School and worship service regularly on Sundays.

Through the years, that small fellowship grew into the Chinese Baptist Church of Richmond. Along the way, God has blessed us with our own church building and two vibrant language ministries: Chinese and English. Over the past five decades, God has brought many gifted and godly pastors into our midst to model Christ for us and tirelessly nurture us with Scriptures. He also graciously invited us to be on a mission with Him in 2000 by planting another Chinese church in the West End.

Today, we are grateful to have Pastor Larry Farnen as our pastor for the English ministry, and Pastor Chyuan Yang as our pastor for the Chinese ministry. Pastor Larry has been with us since 2006, and Pastor Yang began his ministry here in 2017.  In addition, Pastor Zhuang Huo moved from Toronto, Canada to Richmond in 2020 to become our pastor for the Chinese ministry until June 2024.

We are a small church family with a big heart and are committed to taking the Gospel to our community. We long to see many more lives transformed in Jesus Christ by faith through grace for the glory of God.