Worship God

The core of the Church ministries shall be the worship of the Triune God.


Equip Believers

The Church shall proclaim the teaching of the Scripture, according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to instruct the believers in sanctified living, and attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

順從聖靈的引領學習聖經, 使我們生活聖潔, 長成滿有基督的身量。

Fellowship of Believers

Believers shall live out the Command of Jesus Christ to love and support one another and together build-up the Body of Christ.

信徒尊行耶穌基督叫我們彼此相愛的命令, 互相扶持, 同心合一建立基督的身體。

Spread the Gospel

The Church shall fulfill the Great Commission by preaching the Gospel, loving its neighbors, saving lost souls, and making disciples of all nations.

宣揚福音, 關愛鄰舍, 拯救失喪的靈魂, 完成萬民作主耶穌的門徒之使命。