Worships Change Beginning in February 2025 :
- The English worship service will move to the worship center in the trailer and will begin at 10:30 am.
- The English Sunday School classes in the trailer will meet from 9:30-10:15 am.
从2月开始, 崇拜时间更改如下:
- 英文堂崇拜时间改为上午10:30开始在移动房屋的敬拜中心举行.
- 移动房屋的英文主日学课程改为上午9:30-10:15举行 .
- 中文堂崇拜时间改为上午10:30开始在大堂举行.
- 大堂走廊课室的儿童中文课程改为上午9:30- 10:15, 儿童英文主日学课程改为上午10:30-12:00举行. 每月的第一个主日仍然是中英文联合崇将, 所有会众将于上午10:30在大堂一起敬拜。
每月的第一个主日仍然是中英文联合崇将, 所有会众将于上午10:30在大堂一起敬拜。
The first Sunday of the month will continue to be Unity Sunday, with combined worship at 10:30 am.