联合崇拜讲题: 在耶稣受难世界中的棕枝主日平安 – 约翰福音 12:12-15, 路加福音 19:36-37, 41-42 – 樊牧师
Unity Worship Sermon: Palm Sunday Peace in a Good Friday World – John 12:12-15; Luke 19:36-37, 41-42 – Pastor Farnen

04-07-2023 Good Friday 受难节
联合主餐崇拜讲题: 痊愈 – 约翰福音 10:7-11 – 樊牧师 (無彔音)
Unity Communion Worship Sermon: The Cure – John 10:7-11 – Pastor Farnen (no recording)

04-09-2023 Easter Sunrise Service 朝陽崇拜
联合崇拜讲题: 耶穌复活帶來的新生命 – 哥林多前書 15:1-4, 约翰福音 11:25 – 杨銓牧师
Unity Worship Sermon: The Resurrection of Jesus Brings New Life – 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 11: 25 – Pastor Yang

04-09-2023 Easter Sunday 复活主日
联合崇拜讲题: 经历复活的主 – 路加福音 24:19-24, 30-34 – 霍壯牧师 (無彔音)
Unity Worship Sermon: The Lord Who Experienced Resurrection – Luke 24:19-24, 30-34 Pastor Huo (no recording)

中文崇拜讲题: 耶和华说“我曾爱你们! – 玛拉基书1:1-5 – 霍壯牧师
English Worship Sermon: Recognizing Christ’s Body – I Corinthians 11:17-34 Pastor Farnen

中文崇拜讲题: 耶和华说:我必施行审判! – 玛拉基书3:1-6 – 霍壯牧师
English Worship Sermon: The Pillar and Foundation – I Timothy 3:14-15 Pastor Farnen