<國語/普通 Mandarin Groups>
Faith, Hope, Love Fellowship 信望愛團契 (周五查經班)
聚会时間、地点: 每周五 7:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. 在线上聚会(ZOOM)
信望爱团契聚会的內容包括詩歌欢唱、查經学习、禱告交托。采用交互式的讨论, 分享对神话语的看见与经历, 气氛一向熱烈活潑。我们希望借着研读神的话语,能更加认识我们的神,并且能够将圣经所教导的真理应用在我们的日常生活中。今年我们在查考保罗书信中的哥林多前书,欢迎有兴趣的弟兄姐妹、朋友们一起来学习。
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
FRIDAY Small Group 周五得福小組
聚会时间、地点: 每周周五 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 以国语/普通话 于教会聚会
得福团契小組每個星期五晚上 7:00– 8:30 在教会聚会。我們以联誼、唱詩歌、探討聖經、生活分享、關懷代禱為聚会活動內容。“得福” 顾名思义是得到祝福,但最大且最重要的乃是得到來自上帝的祝福。我們欢迎弟兄姊妹及朋友加入我們,一起在团契小組中成长,在主裡一起“得福”!
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Evergreen Fellowship 常青團契
聚会时間、地点: 每月第二週四 于教会10:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Meets every Second Thursday at 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. at church.
The Evergreen Fellowship is established for senior citizens; its purpose is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, recreational activities, and social fellowship for elderly people. We meet once a month: On the second Thursday morning, we have Bible studies and fellowship activities. We encourage younger people to participate in this fellowship to serve and help senior people, such as picking up them to come and go home, pushing wheelchairs, preparing food and drinks, and sharing messages with them, etc. We believe that serving our old people is a greatly blessed ministry!
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Sisters fellowship 姐妹團契
聚会时间、地点: 每月第三個个周六下午 5:45 – 8:00 于教会聚会, 其它的周六则是在线上(ZOOM) 的祷告会,8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
姐妹团契在第三个周六那天会有聚餐,姐妹各自带一道拿手好菜来一起分享,聚餐是5:45pm开始,查经聚会7:00 pm – 8:00 pm 结束。我们的聚会除了有丰盛的美食外,还有祷告、唱诗、查经,目前我们在读《她触动妳心:圣经人物查经本》这本书。主的灵与我们同在,我们在主里有学习、交通、分享、关爱,享受着主丰盛的恩典和供应。欢迎姐妹们和朋友们一起来参加。
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Nehemiah 尼希米團契
聚会时间、地点: 每月第2, 第4 主日下午12:30 – 2:00 于教会聚会
尼希米團契是为餐館同业員工而設的团契, 让大家在长时間的工作后, 能於心灵舒暢, 互慰互助的环境下, 相聚一起, 与神亲近, 共沐主恩!
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
BLESSING SMALL GROUP (Group 1) 幸福小組第一組
聚会时间、地点: 每周周五下午6:30 – 9:00 于教会聚会
6点半–7点半 爱宴聚餐; 7点半到9点福音活动; 对象福音朋友, 和刚刚信主的弟兄姊妹;
福音小组的目的是将福音送到千家万户, 是广邀邻舍来到我们当中, 彼此认识, 建立亲密关系, 带到主耶稣基督里。福音活动包括破冰游戏, 倾听倾诉彼此人生经历, 做个人得救的见证, 分享神的话语, 诗歌赞美等。
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
BLESSING SMALL GROUP (Group 3) 幸福小組第三組
聚会时间、地点: 每月兩次周二下午5:30 – 7:30 于教会会友家中聚会
我们聚会的时间是一个月两次都在星期二晚上5:30-7:30, 每隔一个星期二聚会一次, 例如1/10我们聚会, 那么下一次聚会是在 1/24, 我们是先吃饭, 接着玩游戏, 然后唱诗歌, 然后分享信息及个人見证。我们也会安排时间和慕道友去公园玩, 大家彼此了解, 我们欢迎其他慕道友来到我们当中。
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Real Blessing Small Group 真幸福小组
聚会时间、地点: 周五晚6:30~9:30 于教会会友家中聚会
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
<英文 English Groups>
Due to the pandemic, time and location temporarily changed: meets Thursday evenings at 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. (ZOOM)
It is conducted jointly with Grace Chinese Baptist Church (our sister church in the West End.)
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Young Adult Bible Study 英文查經
Due to the pandemic, time and location temporarily changed: meets Monday at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. (ZOOM)
This fellowship group is composed of English-speaking college students and young professionals. Our goal is to grow together in Christ and encourage one another in our walk with Him, through the study of the Bible or a book on a topic related to Christian living, through fellowship, and through prayer for each other. Occasionally the group celebrates special holidays together or has special events such as game nights, outings and hiking, potlucks, dumpling nights, hot pots, etc. We warmly welcome new participants to the group. Our meeting location rotates between various homes on the Southside, downtown Richmond, and the west-end. Email Pastor Larry at pastorfarnen@cbcrvirginia.org to receive our meeting announcements.
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
English-Speaking Adult Fellowship Group 英文成人团契
Meets on 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30 – 2:00 pm at Church.
The English Adult Fellowship meets at the church twice a month. It is for any adult seeking an opportunity to be encouraged and grow in their faith through worship, Bible study, fellowship and praying for one another. The meeting can be attended in-person or through Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out before each meeting. If you have not been receiving the emails regarding this group, but would like to, please contact Pastor Larry at pastorfarnen@cbcrvirginia.org.
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
The Couples Connect small group
Meets two Saturdays a month at 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
The Couples Connect small group brings married couples together with the goal of supporting one another in strengthening our marriages. We meet 2 Saturdays a month to share a meal, fellowship, study and discuss topics relating to building strong and healthy marriages and families.
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Youth Fellowship 青少年團契
Meets every Friday night at 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the church. 每周周五晚上7:00 – 8:30 于教会聚会
All middle school and high school students are welcome. 欢迎所有中學生及高中生参加
CBCR Youth Group is focused on allowing youth (Middle School to High School) to experience the love of God through the written word, activities, discipleship, and their relationships with each other. Activities include Bible Study, Summer Discipleship trip; Recreational nights; Inter-church activities; Spring Retreat, etc. The youth meet Friday nights at 7:00 pm at the Church. The meetings are in English.
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.
Kids for Christ 兒童團契
Meets every Friday at 7:00 – 8:30 pm. at church 每周周五晚上7:00 – 8:30 于教会聚会
欢迎从幼稚囩至五年级生参加 All kindergarten to fifth-grade students are welcome.
This group meets for Bible study, games, and arts and crafts. The study is conducted in English and coincides with Chinese Bible study and Youth Group at the same time and location. After fifth grade, the students advance to the youth group.
For additional details or questions about these small groups, please contact the church office at 804.476.8778 or email chinesebapchurch@cbcrvirginia.org.