10/13 to 10/27 飓风灾难救援
Hurricane Disaster Relief

教会从 10 月 13 日至 10 月 27 日举行为期3 周的筹款,通过北美宣教会 (NAMB) 为最近的飓风灾难提供援助。 请大家慷慨支持这活动、将您的捐款付给教会(支票抬头CBCR,备注行“飓风援助”)或直接在 NAMB Send  Relief 网站 (www.sendrelief.org) 上捐款。

CBCR started a three-week fund drive, from 10/13 to 10/27, for the recent hurricane disaster relief through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). Please support this project generously by donating to the church (check payable to CBCR, memo line “Hurricane Relief”) or giving directly at the NAMB Send Relief website (www.sendrelief.org).